Pool Garden

The  pool area has had a few changes since last spring.  Acalyphas (Fijian Fire Plants) have been the pool to add some colour, there are two larger ones, near the filter box. I was able to buy larger plants and they have .  The other ones along the fence line will take another growing season to reach a good height and to fill in the gaps showing. 
I changed the colour of the pavers and pool coping from a yellow sandstone colour to this brown and it has made a lot of difference to the area.  It looks more natural now and the plants stand our more.

The garden behind the pool is looking good now.  The garden was mainly greens before and the Acalyphas now break up the greens with their beautiful colours.



Two larger Acalypha wilkesiana with a smaller Acalypha hispida next to the waterfall.  In front of them are a leather fern, variegated Mondo and Russelia equitsetiformis.

Ophiopogon jaburan (variegated Mondo grass) adds lots of light colour to the waterfall.  I love the way they fall over the front of the rocks imitating the water cascading down the waterfall and how they sway in the gentle breezes. 
The plants on the right side of the waterfall. This section of the garden still has a lot of growing to do.  There were a large Chamaedorea cataractarum (Cascade Palm), a large Dracaena marginata growing and a Dysis lutescens (Golden Cane Palm) growing next to the waterfall on this side.  The Dracaena was over 15 years old, it had very thick chunky stems and it didn't look any good here.  The Cascade Palm was very wide with a mass of green palm leaves and it didn't add any interest to the garden.  So they both came out last summer.  Now the Golden Cane palm has plenty of room to grow.

We planted two Frangipanis here, they will fill in the space and grow into each other, giving us lots of flowers in summer.  Planted in between these are some Acalyphas, one of these has large green and white leaves.

The Vrieseas behind the pool get morning sun, while the ones in the corner garden only get dappled sun.

The new colour of the paving and pool coping blends in with the Nepean river pebbles and the brick wall.

Two older Frangipanis grow on top of the wall, their branches hang out over the walkway and pool.
Spanish Moss hangs down from the branches of the Fragipanis.

Walking along this pathway takes you under and through the Spanish Moss as it hangs down over the pathway.

The steps leading up into the higher section of the pool garden.  At the top of the steps is a bark covered pathway leading through the garden.

On either side, Golden Cane Palms and many different Brugmansias provide the canopy for the under storey.

Growing on each side of the pathway are Cordylines, Ixoras, Crotons and Vrieseas.  

1 comment:

  1. Your garden looks beautiful, I want to create something very similar just knowing what to put in first is my chalange as I seem to put things in the wrong places, your photos give me some idea & maybe I can walk into a nursery with photos & they will be able to help me select the plants to get your look. You have been a great inspiration.. Thank you Trace
